Original manufacturer no longer providing spare custom IAT sensors?

Long story short, a guy by the name of Ben Richley contacted me several years ago now, desparately looking for a source for a certain IAT sensor that was custom designed for an older Link supercharger kit for a specific year range of Miata. His IAT sensor board was damaged and it turns out that Link was not interested in any way in producing more for his use as the product was quite obsolete already and they'd already done their last production run. In fact they were so uninterested in making the sensor for him that they simply sent him the board outline drawing and schematic and said, in a more diplomatic manner, "go away". So I designed a replacement board and did a small production run of sensors for his use. If he still has any to sell, you should buy from him first, but if he's not interested in selling, I can produce more.

Here are some pictures of the last production run:

All sensors are potted in electronics-safe silicone RTV where necessary and employ aerospace-grade Tefzel, Teflon, or similar wire. They should be installed with the PCB parallel to airflow to reduce turbulence.

Pricing (including free shipping to the lower 48):

  • $75 each
  • $200 per lot of 3
  • $300 per lot of 6
    Upon request, boards can be mounted in a threaded plug of your choice (pending engineering review) to match your intake piping. Also available connectorized with your choice of connector style. Original Link design was flying lead, non connectorized.